I have been reading Tsh Oxenreider's book Organized Simplicity. Tsh is over at Simple Mom, you should check out her blog, it is great!
Now that all four children are married and moved on, my husband and I have toyed with the idea of downsizing. We have a four bedroom house, mostly filled with our stuff, and some of our kids stuff... I have been challenged to get to work on organizing and getting rid of the excess. There are so many things that we have accumulated in the last 20 years, some, I have no clue where they came from, and some, I wonder what possessed me to keep.
Yesterday I cleaned out the coffee mug cupboard, I got rid of many mugs. My husband was looking for a mug for some hot water. This conversation ensued...
Husband, "Where are the blue chicken mugs?"
Me, "I am getting rid of them."
Husband, "They were my hot water mugs."
Me, "Can't you use your "Dartmouth" mug?"
Husband, "But that is my coffee mug."
Me, later after a chuckle in the other room... "We will never be able to live in a smaller space."
Husband, "Oh yes we will..." (not very believable)
You see, this is not the only time he has said, why are we getting rid of such and such.... he likes to save things. Maybe I will make that Goodwill trip before he comes home from work!!!!
Today was "Purge the Plastic" day!!
The "plastic storage" (Tupperware) cupboard, is not a favorite for my husband. He complains he can never find a lid that fits the container. I was amazed at how many lids I had that there were no containers for??? Where did they go????
This is all the plastic I am taking to Goodwill, minus what is in the red bowl, those are the "extra" lids. |
I had company today, little Cora watched and played...she is so cute!!
Grandma are you sure you should get rid of that.... Have a super day!! Cindy |