Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My First Quilting Attempts

I have been sewing ever since Home Economics in the 7th grade.  My Mom sewed and so did my Grandmother.  I took Home Ec. all through Jr. and Sr. high.  I loved it.  Even contemplated becoming a Home Ec. teacher, would be out of a job for sure these days.

I had sewed some clothes, for myself, which were always a failure... and I sewed for my children, a little.

We are going through the house prepping for a yard sale.  We have so much stuff...20 years in this house.

I found these.  My first attempts at quilting.

Hand pieced, look at the size of those stitches...yikes
points kind of got lost over the edge

see those tiny little hand stitches 
After sewing machine, not too bad

Quilting stitches getting smaller!

a bit of my history.

Hope you have a great week.



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